December 4, 2021

Statement delivered by Ambassador Sophia Tesfamariam

During the Annual Ministerial Meeting
Of the G77 and China, Virtually
30 November, 2021

Mr. Chair,
Distinguished delegates,
I would like to thank the honourable Foreign Minister of Guinea, H.E. Dr. Morissanda Kouyate, for convening this annual Ministerial meeting of the G77 and China.On behalf of my Minister, H.E. Mr. Osman Saleh, I wish to thank the Republic of Guinea for the commendable work it has been rendering to the Group of 77 and China during its Chairmanship tenure.  In that same vein, I would like to congratulate the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for taking on the chairmanship for the year 2022.My delegation welcomes the adoption of the Ministerial declaration. It should be recalled that our group has been working under extremely strained circumstances for the past two years. However, keeping our unity despite our many diversities is a virtue that we should be proud of.


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