August 21, 2020

A Glimpse of Adi-Quala Sub-Zone

By Habtom Tesfamichael | The Adi-Quala sub-zone is one of the twelve sub-zonal administrations of the southern region.It borders the sub-zone of Emni-Haili to the north, Tserona to the east, Mai-Mne to the west and Ethiopia to the south. It is the most populous sub-zone of the southern region with around 97 thousand population who live in 106 villages grouped in 22 local administrations.

The ancient town of Adi-Quala is the center of the sub-zonal administration. Agriculture is the main occupation of the population and some engage in other activities.The total area of the sub-zone is around 107 hectares, of which only about 21 thousand hectares is arable. This year there was sufficient rainfall, an average of around 700 mm, and is expected to lead to a good harvest.Through its extension service, the Ministry of Agriculture’s (MoA) advises farmers to practice rotation of crops.

Farmers in the sub-zone used to grow taff in the past year in year out even though the production level was decreasing. But as of last year, they have been employing the integrated farming scheme in order to enhance their productivity.


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