June 24, 2022

Address by Minister Arefaine Berhe: Validation Workshop to Develop “Nutrition Social Behavioral Change and Communication (SBCC) Roadmap and Manual”

Honorable Ministers, High Government and UN Officials,
Dear Participants, Invited Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
From the outset, allow me to commend the organizers, trainers and the trainees of this program that culminated into this Validation Workshop that is the outcome of several training packages that took nearly 3 years in a project named “Improving Nutrition in Eritrea: Agro-diversity Nourishing Communities (TCP/ERI/3704). This is a joint collaboration with FAO.Today, through presentations, group work and discussions you have successfully reached the stage of termination of the project by proposing constructive ideas for the way forward for the next stage.


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