March 19, 2016

UNSC unfounded, unjust and illegal resolution 1907 against Eritrea

1 – Ambassador Ramírez Carreño

Venezuela’s representative to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Ambassador Ramírez Carreño explains why his country abstained in voting on resolution 2244 (2015) related to resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) against Eritrea:

Ambassador Ramírez Carreño, Venezuela's representative to the United Nations Security Council

” Venezuela abstained in the voting on resolution 2244 (2015) because we feel that the negotiating process that led to its adoption was not broad enough to take into account the various points of view held by delegations. Our request to extend the consultations in order to produce a consensus text was disregarded, and the text was drafted in a silent procedure despite our reservations. Venezuela tried to create a space conducive to understanding so that the varied points of view might be reflected in a balanced text that reflected the political and security dynamic prevailing in the Horn of Africa.

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