May 9, 2020

COVID-19: Leveraging on social capital to ‘Flatten the Curve’ in Eritrea

By James Wakiaga,
Resident Representative, UNDP Eritrea

In Eritrea containment measures are managed by the wardens and members of the community holding each other accountable for the common good of the society. ©Eritrea – Ministry of Information.COVID-. 19 has far defied logic by voraciously impacting poor and rich countries with equal measure. But in Eritrea only 39 infections and zero deaths have been reported so far. This may be largely due to the country harnessing its social capital, in partnership with UNDP.In the African context, social capital – also called ‘Ubuntu’, ‘Undugu’ or ‘Ujamaa’ – means the interpersonal relationships and network that give people a sense of identity, shared responsibility and collective accountability.


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