March 28, 2015

Director of Eritrean Strategic Studies Centre conducts seminar for Egyptian diplomats and researchers

Director of Eritrean Strategic Studies Centre conducts seminar for Egyptian diplomats and researchers

Dr. Ahmed Dahli, Director of the Eritrean Strategic Studies Centre, has conducted seminar in Cairo for Egyptian diplomats, intellectuals and researchers on Eritrea’s policy as regards domestic and foreign affairs.

The briefings mainly focused on Eritrean history during the period 1890 -1991, and the crime that the super powers, especially the USA, committed against the Eritrean people, as well as  the heroic resistance waged by the people of Eritrea for independence involving huge sacrifices.

Dr. Ahmed Dahli went on to explain the war of aggression waged against Eritrea through the instrumentality of the minority TPLF regime under the pretext of ‘border conflict’ with a view to violating Eritrean sovereignty and once again place the nation under colonial subjugation, in addition to the multi-faceted acts of conspiracy and the smear campaign thereof.

In  this connection, he pointed out that such enemy conspiracy has ended up in utter failure thanks to the resolute rebuff of the Eritrean people and their committed leadership.

Highlighting the unjust UN sanctions resolution against Eritrea adopted in violation of the final and binding Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission (EEBC) ruling on border delimitation that the Council itself had guaranteed, Dr. Ahmed Dahli underlined the need for putting an end to such a resolution.

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