January 25, 2020

Eritrea: Basic Education Statistics 2017/18

‘Eritrea: Basic Education Statistics is the official, annual education publication of the Ministry of Education (MoE) dealing with basic education statistics. It is the 21st report produced by the Department of Research and Human Resource Development in terms of organization of schools in the six administrative zobas, the Zobas. The sources of information for this publication are annual school censuses carried out by Zoba education offices through standard questionnaires. This publication covers data from Early Childhood Education (ECE) and General Education (Elementary, Middle and Secondary level). The main purpose of the 2017/18 publication is to provide useful, relevant, reliable and up-to-date information on education for various stakeholders within and outside the education sector. The MoE believes that the data presented in this publication is by no means considered exhaustive. For further inclusion and refinement to be made, the Ministry of Education…


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