November 22, 2019

Eritrea blames CIA for boycott

This is an exclusive interview to the Eritrean Ministry of Information
East West Magazine
Guido Talarico
Tuesday, 19 November 2019

A few days ago, the Eritrean Ministry of Information published documents that would prove the involvement of the CIA (the US secret services), of Mossad (the Israeli services) and some NGOs in a series of activities aimed at boycotting Eritrea. Activities that, they say in Asmara, led to a long isolation which had the objective of weakening a country, which had been engaged for years in a difficult border, war with Ethiopia. After the peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea, signed last year by the Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki and the new winner of the Nobel for peace, the young Ethiopian leader, Abiy Ahmed, relations between the two countries have returned to normal and this has allowed a relaxation of relations both throughout the Horn of Africa and between Asmara, Washington and Brussels.


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