June 4, 2023

Exclusive: Afwerki on Bilateral Relations With Russia, New World Order, NATO’s War on Moscow

Eritrean leader Isaias Afwerki visited Moscow from May 30 to June 3 to discuss bilateral relations, global and continental issues with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Sputnik Africa asked the Eritrean president to share his view on the role of Russian-African partnership in the context of a rapidly changing world order.
Sputnik Africa: On 24 May of this year, Russia and Eritrea celebrated 30 years of diplomatic relations. How does Eritrea view the prospects for bilateral relations today?
President Afwerki: The relationship goes back more than 30 years. Formal diplomatic relations, yes, 30 years, but during these 30 years we’ve gone through a very long history. The end of the Cold War, the 90s, and then the last 30 years we have experienced Eritrea, the Russian Federation and other nations. It was a time when humanistic ideologies were there to control the whole world. The end of the Cold War, which was bipolar and then unipolar ideas and ideologies came,


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