September 3, 2024

(FOCAC) Guest push forward China-Eritrea strategic partnership Opinion: Jointly build a closer China-Africa community with shared future to China-Eritrea strategic partnership

By: Mr. Li Xiang
Chinese Ambassador to Eritrea

China and Eritrea have established a strategic partnership, and are in a unique position to build a closer community with a shared future. The two countries share similar philosophies and their people maintain close contact. The 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) will be held in Beijing on Sept. 4-6. Chinese and African leaders will gather in Beijing again after six years to discuss future development and cooperation and exchange governance experience. H.E. President Isaias Afwerki will lead the delegation of Eritrea to attend this summit, following his historic state visit to China in May 2023. Through this summit, China…


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