June 13, 2020

Goluj: Land of Plenty Resources and Opportunities

Goluj sub-zone is one of the biggest sub-zones in the Gash- Barka region. It borders Ethiopia to the south and Sudan to the west and has a population of 180,000 who are mostly farmers and pastoralists.Out of the sub-zone’s over 506,000 hectares of arable land, 100,000 hectares are used as farmland. But the sub-zone, in general, and the Gash-Barka region, in particular, is still the bread basket of the country. The sub-zone is also known for its abundant number of livestock.Goluj sub-zone is endowed with ample natural resources of underground and surface water. Its vast and fertile agricultural area coupled with its abundant water resources make it suitable for agro-industrial activities. The vast grazing land during the rainy seasons makes this sub-zone a livestock heaven. The sight of flocks of sheep around river banks and along road sides is testimony to the abundance of such resources…


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