January 29, 2022

Interview of President Isaias Afwerki With local media on the occasion of the New Year

January 8, 2022

Your Excellency, in your interview last year, you elaborated extensively on the regional turmoil instigated by the TPLF and its Enablers that was juxtaposed to the global pandemic of COVID-19. In your message of good wishes for New Year (2022), you stated that the few remnants of the forces of destruction will be eradicated through the process of justice and our region will be tranquil which will lead to prosperity and development.We will start our interview on regional issues. As mentioned above, the war ignited in Tigray region by the TPLF and its Enablers has continued to rage since it was unleashed in November 2020. Indeed, later in recent past, the war expanded to the middle of Ethiopia causing a lot of destruction. In this regard, what can you tell us about…


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