February 27, 2016

Interview with President Isaias Afwerki

Interview with President Isaias Afwerki

President Isaias Afwerki gave an interview to the national media outlets on the 22nd and 23rd of January on the occasion of the New Year focusing on all-round developments inside the country as well as regional and international developments. Excerpts of the interview follow:

Q: Mr. President. Congratulations on the occasion of the New Year. The year marks the Silver Jubilee of Eritrean Independence. The Independence Torch has already begun the journey from Nakfa.  In this connection, we intend to conduct, at a later date, an interview with Your Excellency on your appraisal of the achievements registered institutions in the country? in the past 25 years since independence.  For now, we will focus on current domestic and regional issues Let’s begin with the recent measures that the GOE has taken in regard to the redemption of the national currency. What impact is this measure expected to entail on economic growth? What are the associated specific policies and regulations that will be taken by the financial…

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