November 27, 2021

Interview with Serena Massa, The scientific coordinator of the Italian groups

Adulis: Site of Breakthrough in Archaeological findings

Interview conducted by Luwam Kahsay H

Italian archaeologists, who are affiliated to the Research Center on Eastern Desert, Politecnico di Milano, Universita Cattolica di Milano, Universita Orientale di Napoli, Universita dell’Insurbia di Varese partnered with the Piccini Group and the Eritrean Commission of Sport and Culture to share their knowledge with young Eritrean archaeologists. They have given two-week courses on Research and Conservation of heritage. Following is an interview with Serena Massa, the scientific coordinator of the Italian groups.

Introduce yourself to our readers, please.
My name is Serena Massa. I have been an Archaeologist for almost 30 years. I have worked as a lecturer not only in Italy but also in many universities. I’ve conducted many archaeological field research studies in the Mediterranean, in Northern Africa, Libya and Iran. My type of archaeology is Public Archaeology, which means archaeology that…


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