May 26, 2018

ION: A litany of false stories

In its latest publication (No. 1474) of 18 May last week, the Indian Ocean Newsletter floats a litany of wild stories on Eritrea on the basis of innuendos; apparently without minimum verification. To highlight some of its outlandish assertions:
1. In reference to MOI’s press release of 14 May this month on joint Ethiopian-Sudanese agreement to continue supporting what they term “Eritrean armed opposition groups”, the ION claims, quoting unnamed “sources in Addis Abeba” that Eritrea’s President “has reacted by mobilizing his troops to counter any potential threats, calling up reservists and young conscripts”.
This is utterly false and ludicrous. Eritrea has not, and does not need, to mobilize troops to counter inconsequential acts that have been going on for many years now. The MOI Press Release on the subject indeed underlined that the scheme was…

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