November 14, 2020

Le Monde: Irresponsible Accusations Against Eritrea

In its publication of November 5, entitled Ethiopia: the threat of Civil War, Le Monde insinuates, on the basis of innuendos and speculation, that “the Eritrean leader is the ‘master builder’ of the start of the conflict, which, despite its local appearance, is dangerous in more ways than one”. Le Monde quotes a single, anonymous, “knowledgeable source” in validating its baseless accusations. This ridiculous assertion flies in the face of stark facts. The immediate cause of the current conflict is TPLF’s reckless and multi-pronged attack this week on contingents of the Ethiopian Armed Forces – the Northern Command – deployed in the Tigray Region for decades. The TPLF itself has not denied this fact even though this was couched in terms of “pre-emptive action to neutralize the Northern Command and the requisition of its weaponry”.


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