November 17, 2021

Message from the Editor

Alamin Mohamed Said

“Our flag does not fly because the wind blows it; it flies with the last breath of all the brave martyrs who died defending it”

Eritreans in the country and around the world are still coming to terms with the shocking and extremely sad news of the passing of Alamin Mohammed Said, a veteran freedom fighter and one of the pioneers and stalwarts of Eritrea’s long liberation struggle. Alamin passed away on Sunday at the age of 74 due to a sudden illness during his brief trip to Saudi Arabia, where he was conducting public seminars with the local Eritrean community.By any standard or objective measure, Alamin’s was truly an extraordinary life. As a young man driven and inspired by the mission to liberate his country and free his people, Alamin joined the Eritrean Liberation Front in 1966. He then went on to become one of the founders of the EPLF in 1970. For a period of 55 years, Alamin served


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