August 26, 2017

Minisrty of Health – High Level Achievements in the Annual Health Sector Report of 2016

The Government of Eritrea accords health a prominent place in its priorities and it is committed to the attainment of health goals. In particular, the Government fully appreciates and continuously emphasizes the decisive role of the people in the development and self-reliance. As a continuation of the 2010 National Health Policy and the 2012-2016 National Health Sector Development Plan, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has developed a robust multi-sectoral second National Health Sector Development Plan that will guide the health sector to achieve the national and international health goals and objectives. This plan is costed based on the one health tool and is well accompanied by a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework that set national and international targets and indicators. Moreover, it has clearly laid down the implementation arrangements at different levels of implementation.

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