October 31, 2022

Ministry of Agriculture Reinforces Its Agro-meteorological Services

The Ministry of Agriculture has been providing timely rainfall report and forecast to the public through the national media outlets. An interview has been conducted with Mr. Tekeste Weldegebriel, head of the agro-meteorology unit with regards to the general activities of the unit.

 Question: Could you tell us about the general background of the Agricultural Meteorology Unit?
Answer: Agricultural meteorology unit (AMU) is part of the Agricultural Strategic Information System Division of the Ministry of Agriculture which was established in 2019. Its main task is to collect agro-meteorological and climate data and distribute information to potential users.Historically, the MoA has been collecting meteorological data during the pre-independence period under the Commission of Agriculture.  After the total liberation of Eritrea, the MoA established the…


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