March 24, 2018

Press Release

As it will be recalled,the fabricated news of “the deployment of Egyptian troops in Sawa”, and the subsequent closure of the border by Sudan that “this event ostensibly triggered” was recycled and amplified with high drama recently. But the story did not end there. In these times where past events fast evade memory, it may be useful to reiterate the fundamental truths occasionally so that the public is not confused. In this respect:

In early January, the State of Qatar gave the Sudanese Defence Forces three Mig jet aircrafts that were subsequently deployed in Kassala. This was purportedly done to “thwart an attack from Eritrea that would be unleashed with the support of the United Arab Emirates” The pilots for the three Mig fighter planes being two Qataris and an Ethiopian. The Sudanese Security and Intelligence apparatus is in charge of the operations, including determining specific missions as well as overall administration.

In early February, the followers (the full list is available) of the radical Islamic Cleric, Mohammed Jumma, opened an office, under extreme secrecy, in a secluded area to organize political and military activities as well as to train their members. Funding of their activities is provided by the Embassy of Qatar in Khartoum. Training and other logistical functions are managed by the Sudanese Security and Intelligence Service.

At the beginning of March, a delegation of Qatari military officers, led by the Ambassador of Qatar in Khartoum, Rashid Bin Abdurahman Alnueimi, paid a visit to the “Joint Sudanese-Ethiopian Defense Unit”, to inspect its operations and gauge the security situation in the Kassala area. This outfit was recently established by the Sudanese and Ethiopian Armed Forces with the funding from Qatar.
The question is why does Qatar involve itself in such senseless intricacies?

Ministry of Information
Asmara, 22 March 2018

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