December 16, 2015

Press Release of Eritreans in the Diaspora

On the occasion of the one year anniversary of the UN Security Council’s adoption of the illegal, unfair and unjust Resolution 1907 (2009) of 23 December 2009 which imposed sanctions against Eritrea, Eritrean communities in the Diaspora and friends of Eritrea sent over 180.000 emails and faxes, as well as placed phone calls to President Barack Obama and Secretary general Ban-Ki moon.

Under this concerted worldwide Action Month organized from November 20 to December 20, 2010, the called upon the US Administration and the UN to:

1 – Repeal UNSC resolution 1907 (2009) that imposed unjust and illegal sanctions against Eritrea and its people;
2 – Urge Ethiopia to end illegal occupation of sovereign Eritrean territories.
3 – Work for a viable and comprehensive peace in the Horn of Africa.

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