April 20, 2022

Press Statement
Disgraceful Scheme of “Refugee off-Shoring”

The British and Rwandan Governments have announced the signing last week of what has been termed as the “Priti Patel landmark deal” to send, through Charter flights, “asylum-seekers to Rwanda for processing” of their cases under an initial fee of 120 million Pounds. The illicit scheme provokes a host of questions.  Indeed, the whole package is intended to obscure the underlying causes, dynamics and varied tentacles of the scourge of human trafficking.  Apart from vicious conflicts and wars stoked and exacerbated by extraneous agendas, certain countries continue to pursue policies of “strategic depopulation” against some countries for ulterior political motives.  These are the vital dimensions that should be addressed for an enduring remedy to the global, multi-layered, crime. In the event, the cheap and unethical scheme, that has evidently solicited complicity of an African country through financial incentives, must be roundly opposed and deplored.

Ministry of Information
18 April, 2022

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