December 23, 2017

Promoting Social Justice in Eritrea: The Role of an Integrated Early Childhood Care and Development Program

by Musa Hussein Naib |The Government of Eritrea launched the Integrated Early Childhood Care and Development program (IECCD) as a project in September 2000 with a fund of US D 49 million. The objective of the program was to promote the basic needs for a healthy growth and holistic development of children under six years of age, children in primary school age, and children in need of special protection, through the provision of services and support in health care, early education, cognitive stimulation and social protection and affection.

The research paper discusses the Eritrean concept of social justice and the IECCD program and explores the relation that exists between them. The discussion on social justice expands on the major components of this principle and defines the strategy of self-reliance. The deliberation upholds the view that the economic, social, cultural and biological benefits obtained from IECCD program can create a balanced and sustainable economic, political, social and cultural development as envisaged under the principle of social justice.

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