October 16, 2021

Remarks by H.E. Osman Saleh Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea at the Sixtieth Commemoration of the Non-Aligned Movement
Belgrade11-12 October 2021

Co-Chairs, Excellencies,
I bring to this important 60th Anniversary Commemorative Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement, the greetings of the people and government of Eritrea and of President Isaias Afwerki.

The Non-Aligned Movement was born at a critical juncture in history, a period of hope, enthusiasm, and vibrant energy. It embodied the profound aspirations of the peoples of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, South America, the Pacific, and other regions of the world for self-determination, for genuine sovereignty and territorial integrity, for independent paths to political, economic, and social development, for equitable and just world order. It was a visionary movement that crystallized the determination of these nations and their towering leaders to seize their own destiny into their own hands, to free themselves…


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