February 28, 2021

Response of the Eritrean Delegation To the Oral Report of the High Commissioner of the OHCHR

46 Regular HRC Session – ITEM 2

Madam President,
The oral report of the High Commissioner on Eritrea presented to the 46th HRC Session attempts to portray a dark picture and essentially repeat fallacious narratives advanced by the EU and certain countries. In a way this is not new. Indeed, a core group of western countries have unfortunately made it a habit to sully the image and coerce Eritrea for reasons known to them. The crisis in the Tigray Region in Ethiopia is being used conveniently at this point in time as one element in the continuum of unrelenting smear campaigns of Eritrea. Eritrea has earnestly worked to partner with the OHCHR, and to this effect, four OHCHR technical missions were conducted so far.



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