April 21, 2018

Statement Delivered by H.E Minister Osman Saleh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea

during the 24th Commemoration of Rwandan Genocide against Tutsi in 1994

Your Excellencies,
Distinguished Diplomatic Core,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Twenty-four years ago, an estimated one million fellow human beings were slaughtered within only one hundred days span of time in Rwanda. The heinous act of genocide against mainly the Tutsi people in Rwanda is now a history as the country embarked in different chapter of reconciliation and remarkable development achievements. Indeed, the Government &People of Rwanda under the able President Paul Kagame confirmed that the subhuman feelings of racism, hate and the subsequent inhuman atrocities can be ascended to inclusive and responsible governance for national unity, peace and harmony.

In this vein, the observance of 24th commemoration of Rwandan genocide against the Tutsi coveys a number of crucial messages. It is an event to remind ourselves that “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” and we have shared responsibility to prevent similar crimes against humanity from repeating itself anywhere else again.

It is out of this solid commitment, the visiting delegation of the State of Eritrea laid wreaths at the Kigali Genocide Memorial Center in August 2013 to honor the victims and the resilience of survivors of genocide and commemorate the event here in Asmara now almost on annual bases. This is not an ordinary show of solidarity or friendly gesture but out of deep sense of our collective human values, responsibility and determination to work together for our common good of giving hope by learning from the past mistakes.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As we commemorate the event, it is also relevant to reflect that the State of Eritrea and Rwanda share similar context and challenges, though different in nature and magnitude. Both sisterly countries fought bitter struggle to emancipate themselves from the colonial injustice and atrocities. And now both countries are working together to strengthen and consolidate their bilateral relations for mutual cooperation and partnership for inclusive nation building experiment. Hence, it is indeed essential in nation building process to nurture the courage to care and resolve to act to transform the regrettable fall in the past to the grateful rise in the future.

I thank you!

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