May 7, 2021

Telecommunications Services of Eritrea (TSE)

Eritel formerly known as Telecommunications Services of Eritrea (TSE) was restructured in October 2003 to incorporate Fixed telephony, Mobile telephony and Internet services.
Post-Restructuring Mobile GSM services were introduced by Eritel, The Mobile GSM coverage has continued to grow vertically across the country and currently Eritel provides uninterrupted world-class mobile coverage across 85% of Eritrea. Eritel remains committed to keep increasing and upgrading its mobile coverage to provide the best possible customer experience to all its GSM customers.

Phase 1 – Infrastructure Development Program
Building on its commitment to provide the best Quality of Service to all its customers and play its part in the technological development of Eritrea, Eritel launched Phase 1 of its Infrastructure Development Program in 2003.


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