June 7, 2012

The ‘DEAIMS’ Database

 Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Eritrean Diaspora, spread across Europe, North America, Asia, Australia, Middle-East and Africa, is an invaluable asset to both the country of origin and the host country. Equipped with varying competencies, ideas and expertise acquired at home and abroad, Eritreans of the Diaspora carry with them a new vision and represent a positive force of change.

As a remedy to the ‘Brain Drain’ suffered by Eritrea and many other developing countries, the Eritrean Diaspora can play a crucial role as a pool for agents and partners for development in their homeland, especially in critical sectors such as education, health, technology and business.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea has introduced a database system aiming at accommodating the desire of Eritreans in the Diaspora to contribute in the development of their country of origin through their competencies, expertise and experience: ‘DEAIMS’ (Department of Eritreans Abroad Information Management System) strives to identify and assess the actual profiles and resources of the members of the Eritrean Diaspora. In brief, the ‘DEAIMS’ is working hard towards a comprehensive Diaspora Database System which gathers information, such as full name, date of birth, place of birth, country of residence, address, educational and professional background… etc. The ‘DEAIMS’ questionnaire is attached as annex for the required use. Click here to download DEAIMS questionnaire (in pdf).The ‘DEAIMS’ DATABASE (English), The ‘DEAIMS’ DATABASE (Arabic), The ‘DEAIMS’ DATABASE , (Tigrigna).

Objective of the Database System
Information gathered by DEAIMS is intended to serve as a useful tool for government offices and private institutions in identifying and recruiting the available knowledge and socio-professional resources of Eritreans abroad. The information would help as well, to have more precise data concerning the number of Eritreans residing abroad. The Ministry will ensure that this information will be stored and shared in full respect of privacy and confidentiality.

According to your profile, you might be asked voluntarily or hired to contribute to the development of your country in key sectors such as:
• Agriculture
• Construction and Infrastructure
• Mining and Energy
• Business and Commerce
• Education
• Health
• Transportation
• Law
• Public Administration and Services
• Land, Water and Environment management
• Science and Technology etc…

Who should register?
Any Eritrean in the Diaspora who is 18 years old and above should register. Registration form is available at www.shabait.com and www.Eastafro.com . Please download the questionnaire in a printed form from the listed websites. Complete and submit the form to the Eritrean Diplomatic or Consular mission in your area.

Benefits the Database can offer
Once put in the Database, your information will be facilitated by ‘DEAIMS’ and shared accordingly with potential stakeholders, such as government offices and private institutions. The Database will also be instrumental in identifying the exact number of Eritreans living abroad. Consequently, any registered Eritrean may be contacted about various project assignments, job vacancies and entrepreneurial and investment opportunities available in Eritrea.

Privacy will be protected
Gathered profile and contact information will be stored and shared in a strictly confidential manner. They will be used only in strict necessity, as they will be protected under coding numbers. Any registered Eritrean can be removed from the database, if willing, by contacting eriabroad@shabait.com

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