February 18, 2025

The Pancea does not Lie in Externalizing
the Conflict or Scapegoating Eritrea

In classical fashion, Ethiopia’s former figure-head President, Mr. Mulatu Teshome, raises a false-flag alarm to accuse Eritrea for stoking a “new conflict in the Horn of Africa”. Audacious claim is precisely intended to conceal and rationalize a war-mongering agenda. The facts are otherwise crystal-clear:
1. Contrary to distorted historical accounts that Mr. Mulatua attempts to project, Eritrea and Ethiopia went to war in 1998 precisely because the TPLF-led Ethiopian regime occupied sovereign Eritrean territories – including Badme, Adi Murug and other places – in flagrant violation of international law and the OAU.

Yemane G.Meskel


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