July 18, 2022

Voluntary National Review 2022


· Eritrea’s inaugural voluntary national review report shares the country’s experiences, including successes, remaining challenges, and key takeaways, in implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The review is grounded on successes of the country on health-related Millennium Development Goals and is conducted in the spirit of peer learning, mutual exchange, and transparency. Eritrea seeks to consolidate local ownership of the 2030 Agenda, promote awareness, and strengthen cooperation to progress.
· Sustainable development remains an integral part of Eritrea’s long-term vision. The national policies and action plans are aligned with the SDGs and are supportive of Eritrea’s progress towards achievements of Agenda 2030.
· Eritrea has fostered a conducive environment for development that promotes inclusive, whole-of-society approaches, leverages the country’s diversity and wealth of indigenous knowledge systems, and catalyzes contributions from all regions and communities.


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