April 9, 2022

Wedi-Feraday: A Household Name in the Eritrea Film Industry

Compiled by Mussie Efriem
Would you please tell us about your childhood and the nickname “Wedi-Feraday”?
I was born in Dekemhare in 1952. I wasn’t that much interested in education in the beginning, and as a kid I was best known for hunting birds. But after we moved to Massawa, I became an outstanding student. I think it is maybe because I couldn’t find birds to hunt in Massawa. Also my elder sister Sara was my best friend. About my nickname WediFerady; it is because my father was an Attorney General. I told my father’s job when I was filling my recruitment form, then someone called me Wedi-Feraday, which literally means the Judge’s son, and it became my nickname.
What inspired your interest in film making?
When I was young I used to go to theatre shows frequently. The old memories never faded from my mind. At that time, I and some other kids in our neighborhood formed a team and started to show dramas to the…


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